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I was chatting to a member of staff I know from Mini-MaFt’s school (I know her from outside of school) this morning and what she told me made me chuckle. There were a couple of rabbits running around the staff car park and she pointed them out to me – apparently there are a lot of them around at the moment. She went on to tell me that she was asked, the other day, to go around the playground and sweep up all the rabbit poo. Apparently the kids have been picking them up and eating them at break time!

Regardless of the fact that she wouldn’t have time to carry out such a task, surely it is easier to teach the kids not to eat rabbit poo? However, I do feel that the governments insistence of ‘five-a-day’ of fruit and veg is solely to blame. The kids clearly think they are raisins.

In order to help, I have produced this handy guide: