Friday, January 05, 2007

Vegetarian Haggis

I'll try anything once. Well, maybe not anything, but most things. When Dougsy the Scottish Beast came down for PW2 last month he brought with him a gift. That gift was a Vegetarian Haggis made by Macsween of Edinburgh.

The other day I finally got around to cooking and eating it. After removing the outer packaging and inner packaging I was faced with this:

The instructions said I could either oven it for 45 minutes, boil it for 45 minutes or microwave it for 8 minutes. Being both a modern man and a lazy man I opted for the microwave approach. This involved having to cut the haggis up into slices:

...slapping it in the microwave...

...and, after 8 minutes, removing the now cooked haggis:

Then came the scary part. Actually eating it! It was quite nutty and stodgy although I think I only managed to finish one slice of it... Don't get me wrong Dougsy, I certainly appreciate the gesture but vegetarian haggis is one thing that is being put on my "I've tried it once, and only once" list. Cheers though!


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shoetree said...

it kind of defeats the object of being a haggis though, being a vegetable, since it is all supposed to be offal and sheeps stomach lining, with a bit of oats for flavour

12:54 PM  
Dougleross said...

Yas! Most folk would have politely binned it! Oan yersel ya radgie gadgie!

Shoetree - were a civilised country now. Many people wait until after breakfast to start drinking :)

12:30 AM  
shoetree said...

nowt wrong with a port for breakfast

10:19 PM  

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