Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What's The 'Plus' For?!

I had my 'interview' at the Job Centre Plus this afternoon. What a complete waste of time! The guy didn't even pretend to be interested; I was expecting at the very least a false-front but no, not even that.

He did a job hunt for me but didn't pull anything up, that is unless I wasnted to be a bean-picker in Eastbourne or a cleaner in Rochdale. Neither of which apealed to me and, besides, I haven't had the training. I have to go back to 'sign on' next Monday and then once every two weeks after that. Hopefully by then I'll have found something more appealling than going back there! I can only hope...

So, the great job search continues! I'm signed up to a few agencies and looking every where I know so there must be something for me! No doubt I'll keep you updated!

Ta-Ra fornow



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