Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Blimey, I've not blogged for over a week! In fact, I've hardly been on the computer for a week...

Been busy doing other stuff like doing some recording for Mr Flett and spedning time mixing it all etc, decorating at the in-laws, looking and applying for jobs and watching Family Guy. I'm pretty much done with the mixing, got a bit more decorating to do and still need to find a job; but after that I promise I'll post a bit more!

In other news, isn't the weather still great? We're off to Shibden Park again tomorrow, apparently there's some rides there that I missed last time. Me, Mrs-MaFt, Mini-MaFt, Mrs-L and Mini-Mrs-L are going so should be good. It's supposed to be 31 celsius tomorrow - now that's hot! That's nearly 90F for you oldies out there.

Talking of oldies and people not understanding modern terms, I heard once that nearly 90% of people thought that 'blogging' was the same as 'dogging'. If you don't know what 'dogging' is then just do a google for it - for some reason I don't feel inclined to hunt out a link for you...

See ya



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